Testing the Equivalence Principle
MICROSCOPE colloquium II
Palaiseau, 29-30 January 2013
Equivalence Principle Violations and Couplings of a Light Dilaton (T. Damour)
Testing the Equivalence Principle: Gravitation, Electromagnetism and new long-range forces (P. Fayet)
MICROSCOPE and Neutrinos (E. Fishbach)
Torsion-balance tests of the Weak Equivalence Principle (E. Adelberger)
A covariant scheme for the description of a violation of the Weak Equivalence Principle(C. Lämmerzahl)
Equivalence Principle and Matter Wave Interferometry (L. Blanchet)
Casimir effect and short-range gravity tests (S. Reynaud)
A unified description of screened modified gravity (Ph. Brax)
"Mass" in a Quantum International System of Units (B. Julia)
MICROSCOPE Mission Overview (P. Touboul)
MICROSCOPE Mission and Satellite Configuration (M. Bach)
MICROSCOPE Payload (M. Rodrigues)
T-SAGE sensor core Metrology (V. Lebat)
Instrument & Mission Performance (R. Chhun)
EP test experiment Environment (A. Robert)
MICROSCOPE Drag free and Attitude Control System (P. Prieur)
Testing the Equivalence principle with LLR (F. Mignard)
Future EP tests in space (T. Sumner)
On the universality of free fall, the equivalence principle and the gravitational redshift (A. Nobili)
Weak Equivalence Principle test with atom interferometers (A. Bertoldi)
The STE-QUEST Mission: Design aspects of Spacecraft, Science Links,
and Precise Orbit Determination (G. Hechenblaikner)
MICROSCOPE electronics architecture & performance (D. Boulanger)
Free Fall Test Overview (H. Selig and F. Liorzou)
GRACE & GOCE experience (B. Christophe)
MICROSCOPE Mission operational concept (P.Y. Guidotti)
Global simulation of Scientific Data for MICROSCOPE (G. Metris)
Mission Scenario (P. Touboul)
Data processing Organisation for MICROSCOPE (G. Metris)
Preparation of data processing for MICROSCOPE (S. Bremer)
The in-flight calibration plan for the instrument of the MICROSCOPE
space mission(A. Levy)
Tone errors, Data lacks and Observation Period (E. Hardy)
MICROSCOPE science management (P. Touboul)
MAQRO - Testing the foundations of quantum physics in space (R. Kaltenbaek
MICROSCOPE Sensor Unit Qualification (E. Perrot)
Last modified: Tue Feb 26 14:33:52 CET 2013